Chien C. Lee SmartFrame Demo

The photos on this blog are Photo Embeds. If you click the "Share" button and share the Photo Embed with a comment on a social network, the photo appears, and you do not need to upload a jpeg. When clicked, the traffic goes to wherever the photo is embedded. In this case, it would send you back to this blog post, much like the link I sent you.   

The SmartFrame technology protects your photos, keeps track of everything, and makes them useable to promote conservation and science. They work similarly to a YouTube Embed, except for photos, not video. If we find misuse, we can turn them off anywhere they appear.

The intent behind this new product launch is that access to premium images at no cost can help conservation and science writers make their online posts more compelling and their messaging more effective.

See Minden Pictures Photo Embeds at the following links:

Photo Embeds - What are they, and how do they work.


Introduction to Minden Pictures Embeds by SmartFrame.


Sample Photo Embed published in an online textbook.

Chien C. Lee photos on

We encourage you to try it by selecting a photo of yours.

    Click the "Share/Embed" button on the photo page.

    Once the SmartFrame generates, click the "Share" button.

    Then click the Facebook logo.

    Then type in a caption and share it on Facebook. 

If a Facebook user clicks on the photo, it will take you to wherever the photo is on the web. So sharing a photo from this demo blog post will take you back to this page.

Benjamin Olson SmartFrame Demo

The photos on this blog are Photo Embeds. If you click the "Share" button and share the Photo Embed with a comment on a social network, the photo appears, and you do not need to upload a jpeg. When clicked, the traffic goes to wherever the photo is embedded. In this case, it would send you back to this blog post, much like the link I sent you.   

The SmartFrame technology protects your photos, keeps track of everything, and makes them useable to promote conservation and science. They work similarly to a YouTube Embed, except for photos, not video. If we find misuse, we can turn them off anywhere they appear.

The intent behind this new product launch is that access to premium images at no cost can help conservation and science writers make their online posts more compelling and their messaging more effective.

See Minden Pictures Photo Embeds at the following links:

Photo Embeds - What are they, and how do they work.


Introduction to Minden Pictures Embeds by SmartFrame.


Sample Photo Embed published in an online textbook.

Benjamin Olson photos on

We encourage you to try it by selecting a photo of yours.

    Click the "Share/Embed" button on the photo page.

    Once the SmartFrame generates, click the "Share" button.

    Then click the Facebook logo.

    Then type in a caption and share it on Facebook. 

If a Facebook user clicks on the photo, it will take you to wherever the photo is on the web. So sharing a photo from this demo blog post will take you back to this page.

Thomas Marent SmartFrame Demo

The photos on this blog are Photo Embeds. if you click the "Share" button and share the Photo Embed with a comment on a social network, the photo appears, and you do not need to upload a jpeg. When clicked, the traffic goes to wherever the photo is embedded. In this case, it would send you back to this blog post, much like the link I sent you.   

The SmartFrame technology protects your photos, keeps track of everything, and makes them useable to promote conservation and science. If we find misuse, we can turn them off anywhere they appear. They work similarly to a YouTube Embed, except for photos, not video.

The intent behind this new product launch is that access to premium images at no cost can help conservation and science writers make their online posts more compelling and their messaging more effective.

See Minden Pictures Photo Embeds at the following links:

Photo Embeds - What are they, and how do they work.


Introduction to Minden Pictures Embeds by SmartFrame.


Sample Photo Embed published in an online textbook.

Thomas Marent Photo Embeds your photos on

We encourage you to try it by selecting a photo of yours.

    Click the "Share/Embed" button on the photo page.

    Once the SmartFrame generates, click the "Share" button.

    Then click the LinkedIn logo.

    Then type in a caption and share it on LinkedIn. 

If a LinkedIn user clicks on the photo, it will take you wherever the photo is on the web. So sharing a photo from this demo blog post will take you back to this page. 


Jaymi Heimbuch SmartFrame Demo

The photos below are Photo Embeds; Click the "Share" button and share the Photo Embed with a comment on a social network from this blog post. The photo appears, and you do not need to upload a jpeg. When clicked, the traffic goes to wherever the photo is embedded. In this case, it would send you back to this blog post, much like the link I sent you.   
The SmartFrame technology protects your photos, keeps track of everything, and makes them useable to promote conservation and science. If we find misuse, we can turn them off anywhere they appear. 
Reading your Bio on LinkedIn, the Conservation Visual Storytellers Academy could use the 140,000 photos on Minden Pictures that are available as Photo Embeds. 
The intent behind this new product launch is that access to premium images at no cost can help conservation and science writers make their online posts more compelling and their messaging more effective.
If this resource is of interest, you can learn more about Minden Pictures Embeds at the following links:
Photo Embeds - What are they and how do they work.
Introduction to Minden Pictures Embeds by SmartFrame,
Browse the Minden Pictures Embed collection 
Sample Photo Embed published in an online textbook.
Jaymi Heimbuch Photo Embeds  (link to your collection)
Feel free to use embeds in current projects or to refresh existing posts.
Embeds may be used in any context except for the sale of goods or services.

Shark Finning Ban 2022

Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act of 2021

This bill addresses the sale of shark fins and the inclusion of rays and skates in the Seafood Traceability Program. The Seafood Traceability Program has data reporting and recordkeeping requirements at the time of entry for imported fish or fish products entered into U.S. commerce.

The bill makes it illegal to possess, buy, or sell shark fins or any product containing shark fins, except for certain dogfish fins. A person may possess a shark fin that was lawfully taken consistent with a license or permit under certain circumstances.

Penalties are imposed for violations under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

The Department of Commerce must revise its regulations to include rays and skates as species subject to the Seafood Traceability Program.

What is shark finning?

The fishing practice of cutting off the fins of a live shark and dumping the shark back into the ocean.

Why is it wrong?

Shark finning has caused catastrophic harm to the marine ecosystem. Roughly 73-100 million sharks are killed yearly by finning. Several shark species are threatened by shark finning, including the critically endangered scalloped hammerhead shark.[wikipedia]

According to the Washington Post: link

"Late Thursday, the Senate approved language making it illegal, with few exceptions, to trade shark fins. The provision, which the House had inserted into an annual military policy bill, is now headed to President Biden for his signature."


The photo embeds used in this blog post are fully licensed and are free to share and embed to promote conservation and science.

For more Shark finning images, search here.