Shark Finning Ban 2022

Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act of 2021

This bill addresses the sale of shark fins and the inclusion of rays and skates in the Seafood Traceability Program. The Seafood Traceability Program has data reporting and recordkeeping requirements at the time of entry for imported fish or fish products entered into U.S. commerce.

The bill makes it illegal to possess, buy, or sell shark fins or any product containing shark fins, except for certain dogfish fins. A person may possess a shark fin that was lawfully taken consistent with a license or permit under certain circumstances.

Penalties are imposed for violations under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

The Department of Commerce must revise its regulations to include rays and skates as species subject to the Seafood Traceability Program.

What is shark finning?

The fishing practice of cutting off the fins of a live shark and dumping the shark back into the ocean.

Why is it wrong?

Shark finning has caused catastrophic harm to the marine ecosystem. Roughly 73-100 million sharks are killed yearly by finning. Several shark species are threatened by shark finning, including the critically endangered scalloped hammerhead shark.[wikipedia]

According to the Washington Post: link

"Late Thursday, the Senate approved language making it illegal, with few exceptions, to trade shark fins. The provision, which the House had inserted into an annual military policy bill, is now headed to President Biden for his signature."


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