Minden Pictures represents top wildlife and nature photographers, including many National Geographic freelancers. Minden Pictures has partnered with SmartFrame Technology to release a collection of over 140,000 fully licensed images as photo embeds that can be freely posted to blogs and websites and shared on social media. The following blog posts show Photo Embeds in action.
Big Picture: Upside Down
Some animals spend most of their lives upside down, including the sloth, which hangs around in trees 90% of its life! Bats roost while clinging to a support with their toes. Honeypot ant workers called 'repletes' dangle from the roof of the nest acting as living larders for the colony and the Upside Down Jelly has its tentacles up and bell below. Hanging head down is helpful for animals feeding and drinking while some critters enjoy an altered view of world while at play in this gallery of images.