Christian Ziegler SmartFrame Demo

The photos on this blog are Photo Embeds. If you click the "Share" button and share the Photo Embed (with a comment) on a social network, the photo appears, and you do not need to upload a jpeg. When clicked, the traffic goes to wherever the photo is embedded. In this case, it would send you back to this blog post, much like the link I sent you.

The SmartFrame technology protects your photos, keeps track of everything, and makes them useable to promote conservation and science. They work similarly to a YouTube Embed, except for photos, not video. If we find misuse, we can turn them off anywhere they appear.

The intent behind this new product launch is that access to premium images at no cost can help conservation and science writers make their online posts more compelling and their messaging more effective.

Click the "Share/Embed" button on the photo page.
Once the SmartFrame generates, click the "Share" button.
Then click the LinkedIn logo.
Then type in a caption and share it on LinkedIn.


If a LinkedIn member clicks on the photo, it will take you wherever the photo is on the web. So sharing a photo from this demo blog post will take you back to this page.